CSIRO Hydrogen Refueller

Project Name: CSIRO Hydrogen Refueller
State: VIC
Install 2023
Electrolyser SFF
m3/h 4.545454545
kW 29
kg/day 10
Dispenser H70

In 2023, we delivered one of the country's first PDC-IVYS SimpleFuel Fast hydrogen refuelling stations at CSIRO’s Clayton Campus in Melbourne.

We designed, supplied, installed and commissioned the refuelling station, which will provide hydrogen refuelling to the fuel cell cars of CSIRO and its partners. The hydrogen refuelling station will be used for research and training, not for public refuelling.

The refuelling station is a key milestone for CSIRO’s Hydrogen Industry Mission, which aims to support Australia’s clean hydrogen industry development. CSIRO has received over $1 million funding towards the project from the Victorian State Government and Swinburne University of Technology as part of the Victoria Hydrogen Hub (VH2) partnership.